Thursday, December 10, 2009

';Lipstick on a pig'; -- who was talking about an actual person, and who was talking about a policy plan?

Why are liberals trying to morally equate Obama's use of the ';lipstick on a pig'; term with McCain's use of it?

McCain wasn't referring to a PERSON when he said it. He was referring to an idea.

Obama, on the other hand, was actually referring to a PERSON. Namely, his vice-presidential opponent.

Why do liberals so often do this?

Why do they try to morally equate things that are not morally equal -- in an attempt to either build up their candidates, or tear down the opposition's?

.';Lipstick on a pig'; -- who was talking about an actual person, and who was talking about a policy plan?
I think it's funny. The more they argue, the better the conservatives look. I'm sure he was just talking about issues, but people now think of Gov. Palin when anyone mentions lipstick. I think that's great!';Lipstick on a pig'; -- who was talking about an actual person, and who was talking about a policy plan?
No he wasn't talking about a person, he was talking about policies. Just like every other politician is when they are using that phrase.

But I'll entertain your theory for a second. let's say he was talking about a person. Not once did he mention palin's name, he mentioned McCain though. In fact, he said McCain before he said the Lipstick on the pig pharse. His exact words were:

';Let's just list this for a second. John McCain says he's about change, too. Except -- and so I guess his whole angle is, ';Watch out, George Bush, except for economic policy, health-care policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl Rove-style politics. We're really gonna shake things up in Washington.'; That's not change. That's just calling some -- the same thing, something different. But you know, you can -- you know, you can put lipstick on a pig; it's still a pig.';

Now, i ask you, were does Palin fit in there? If you want to say he was talking about a person, wouldn't that person be McCain? Being as though Obama didn't mention Palin at all?

He was obviously talking about policies...ENOUGH
Your blinded by what is real. McCain often twists and turns things for his satisfaction of making people view things differently. The real question would be: Why do individuals fall for those kind of tactics? You would know the simple truth if you, yourself went to Obama's web-site to see what he really stated, rather than being one of the many sponges that soak up what ever it is told by the republican party. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT DEAR!
It's cute when kids try to discuss politics. Obama was referring to a theory, and McCain was referring to an idea. Both of which could be taken out of context b/c a woman was involved. But you - I gather, aren't old enough to have been around long enough to know that the saying has been around for quite a long time.
Obama was clearly making a reference to ';Pork-Barrel'; Spending. As governer of Alaska, Sarah Palin has a WELL DOCUMENTED record of wasteful spending. Don't blame Obama for you're problem with being able to think.
You are BLATENTLY twisting this for your own agenda. McCain was talking about Hillary Clinton's healthcare plan just as Barack Obama was talking about McCain and Palin's reform plans.
Well you're not to bright are you.
Obama wasn't referring to anyone either....he was referring to the fact that Mccain says he's going to change Washington.....

get your facts straight and then ask a question.....
You're right. But even if the libs are right and he wasn't talking about Palin, he was still pretty stupid to even say it and invite the controversy.
Obama was referring to the policies of McSame. It is obvious to anyone who's not an Obama hater.
It's a bit tough to morally equate things when you don't believe in morals.
he used it in the same way McCain used it... does McCain own that term?
i just want to know where i can get that shade of lipstick
Call 'em out girl!

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