Monday, June 21, 2010

Is it true Obama was talking about Sarah Palin when he said the lipstick on the pig statement?

I searched the net to find a picture of her , and can you tell me if this is her. it true Obama was talking about Sarah Palin when he said the lipstick on the pig statement?
I believe he meant it this way:

';Palin, she would be the LIPSTICK and McCain's platform would be the PIG.';Is it true Obama was talking about Sarah Palin when he said the lipstick on the pig statement?
Obama certainly knew how people would take it, b/c it was right after Palin's speech. He's a politician, it came out how he meant it to come out. How we all knew how it came out.

McCain/Palin '08
No. This is a common term used. In no way was it directed towards Palin. Mccain has even used this once when he was talking about Hillary Clintons retierment plan. (or something).
Ha! Wow, three weeks ago called, they want their headlines back.
not exactly, he was talking about how Palin can make any idea sounds great even if it is really crappy

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