Monday, November 30, 2009

How can i make lipstick last longer?

ok i know this is kind of hard to believe but you have you apply it like 3 times... here is the video of the correct way to put lipstick on and make it last longer...鈥?/a>How can i make lipstick last longer?
take a toothbrush thats wet then in small circles brush your lips it will egt the dead skin cells off then coat lips with vaseline or blistex then put on your lipstick it will also make it go on smoother!.How can i make lipstick last longer?
you should try using a lip pencil matching the color of your lipstick so it will retain the color or you can use a clear lipgloss..

hope that helps=]
put vaseline over it, it lasts a lot longer.
lip liner under your lipstick will make you color last longer because it gives the lipstick something to grab onto.

I always recommend using a lip liner, then lipstick then a lipgloss to get the full effect
Put a lot of lip gloss over it. and when you have somthing to drink try not to put your mouth over the whole thin. hope this helps!
I find that if I line my lips, the lipstick stays on longer. I have also heard that if you put foundation on you lips first the lipstick will stay on longer. Another thing that works, once you put the lipstick on, take a tissue and peel away one layer of the tissue. Put it in front of your lips and take a piwder brush and blot powder on to you lips through the one layer of that tissue.
Try a lip primer or you can put a little foundation on your lips before applying the lipstick....
simple, after one application, dab it with translucent powder, then reapply lipstick, then powder it, reapply lipstick again.. godluck!!

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