Saturday, November 28, 2009

I've just seen a pitbull with lipstick. It's a few feet away from me. What should I do ?

Run? Give the pitbull some mascara?I've just seen a pitbull with lipstick. It's a few feet away from me. What should I do ?
Wearing lipstick is abnormal behavior for a pit bull. Remember: Think Rabies First! Call animal control. If it bites you, they should sever its head to check it for rabies.I've just seen a pitbull with lipstick. It's a few feet away from me. What should I do ?
Stop drinking and you'll be able to tell who that person is next time so you can negotiate with them.
Stay calm, don't make any fast moves, and by all means don' make it mad. Those things don't care if you are Republican or Democrat they will eat you alive!
Call the media!

Tell her she's got a little bit on her teeth. When she goes to the mirror, run like hell.
Get the hell away! It'll eat anything socialist!
Adopt her, civilize her, and keep her as a pet in your back yard
Crop its earmarks.
Ask it to be your VP

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