Monday, November 30, 2009

Someone help me out: why are people talking about lipstick in the US election?

I'm an American living in Korea and while I try to follow campaign coverage as best as I can, it can be difficult. However, not hearing the garbage from CNN and Fox News has been great. I can ignore the idiotic crap and focus on actual issues. Someone help me out: why are people talking about lipstick in the US election?
Sarah palin made a joke ';what the difference between a pit bull and a hockey mom';


and then the old often used political expression '; you can put lipstick on a pig but its still a pig'; meaning that you can dress up a failed policy but its still a failed policy

Someone help me out: why are people talking about lipstick in the US election?
you will get a lot of idiotic posts on this one from liberal morons but, the fact is,,Obama has not only racist views but,anti-feminist views as well.

he is the one who said ';you can put lipstick on a pig but,it is still a pig'; in reference to Sarah Palin's convention speech where she said '; the only difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull is lipstick';.

this is just how childish the left wing libs are.iots a shame that the democrat party has been hi-jacked by the left wing fools.

former democrat

country first

McCain/Palin 08
Because politicians often use the common cliche of ';Putting lipstick on a pig'; to describe that it doesn't matter what you call it...meaning even if you put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig. In context, Obama used the phrase to criticize the new so-called policies-of-change of McCain to relate it to more of the same as in the Bush/Republicans policies. The media has shown snippets of number of politicians including Bush, McCain and a number of other politicians using the same cliches, but when Obama used it...the Republican Party deliberately took it out of context to say that he was calling Sarah Palin a pig because she's the only woman candidate and she wears lipstick. That's politics for you!
Sarah Palin made a joke in her RNC speach. Then Obama tried to make an oblique reference to it and ended up insulting half the country.

The original joke by Sarah Palin was, 'What's the difference between a hocky mom and a pitbull?

Lipstick' Of course it's descriptive of her tenacity in reference to going after corruption. But a good many people who don't like her are using it as a point of contention trying to make her look bad.

It's not working ... it only makes them look bad... ssshhhh, don't let them know.
After Palin made her lipstick on a pit bull joke, and Obama referred to lipstick on a pig in reference to McCain's repackaging of an old policy, it became a distraction, something the McCain camp could use to try and divert attention from issues.
because dems are trying to distract people from the fact that Biden says paying more taxes makes you patriotic

Obama states he will not raise taxes on 95% of Americans

Does that mean only 5% of Americans are patriotic?

Status Quo Joe thinks so
because sarah palin looks like porky pig with lipstick
The lip stick was last week, stay current.
You don't expect John McCain to talk about the economy do you?

Wake up man !!!!!!!!!

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